Here are very random pictures of me....Mostly taken in the last year or so!
That's me in January when I was sick, I only put it up because people apparently like seeing my hair right after I get out of the shower, before I can brush it out.
This is a good friend of mine, Rachel Winzeler next to me. I put this picture up only to make her mad at me, she usually wears contacts ;-)
That's me May 18th, right after my Ballet Recital
My Brother, Phillip and I posing for my cousin, RuthAnne to use up her film, yes, that's what my pictures are good for, using up film...
Greg and Tim are in the back, and from L to R it's Linda, Anna, ME and Catherine after the reception for Shannon's Wedding
INTRODUCINGGGGG Mr. and Mrs. Davd Mathews!
My friend Beth looking all Country, Yeeee-Haw!
This is Cat (Cream to me) 16, in what I think is her best photograph. She looks absolutely gorgeous!
Brendan Leonard (19) in his basement, playing his drums (he can also play the bass)
This picture reallllly needs a caption, I'm sure...L - R it's Me, Cat, Linda and Hannah. PBC's girls from the youth group were decorating cookies for some really noble cause...and I tagged along!
Another Shot of them during their music video. The show is tapped by Brendan and his friends, just hanging out and being dumb.
This is my FAVORITE Show, the Brendan Leonard Show (weekdays 4:30 - 5:00 pm on ABC family) L - R it's Kevin Carlson, Pat Mohr, Robbie (Rotang) Karver, Michael Carney and Brendan Leonard This is a picture of their band "Boyling Point" during their Music Video for "Super Dupa Size Your Love (Bling, Bling)"