Hello! My name is Elaine and this is my best attempt at a website. In here you will see some of my most favorite pictures along with a (hopefully) short caption. If there are any glitches then that's just too bad because this is the best I can do and you're lucky that I can even write this into a web site (my friends know how true this statement is). Anyway! Have a great time and ROCK ON!
First of all I'd like to give a shout out to all of my friends!!!!!!!!!! Anna - Sweedish Fish! Ashley - Didn't believe you were 11! Beth - Free Spirits! Bonney - my giggler! Brett - Yay Hudson Cole! Brittney - Bacon Grease! Caitlin - my ballroom dancer! Caleb - X Men 2! Cream - too many, but let's go with "mysterious"! Crystal - photographer! Dan - SWEET LOU! Drew - come to HS stuff! Drew-Boo - Fire In Da' Bush! Donovan - Your Vocabulary! Erica - Black Nail polish! Erin - Brendan Leonard Show, Delicious! Elizabeth - Funky Monkey! Greg - "You're brothers...?" Hilary - If You Give a Mouse a Cookie! Jack - Hacky Sack! Joshie - Mafia Hit-man! Joanna - doesn't bring her Bible! Laura - my NYC partner! Luke - Turning 18! MaryGrace - You're freakin' me out, GIRL! Phillip - Daisy! Rachel - Inheritance! RuthAnne - We Are Trees! Scott - "Shhhanks E-wane"! SarahJane - Cold Spasm! Tim - I'm 2nd choice! Zeep - Nature Bob! Plus a Shout Out to all Blakleys and Carlisle members of my family!!!